How to Give Your Workspace a Spring Refresh

A clean white desk with two computer monitors and a plant

There is something about spring that makes us excited to give our lives a refresh.

With the warmer weather and flowers beginning to bloom, the changes happening in the outside world seem to evoke a need for change in our own lives as well. We want to scrub away the old and start over with the new. We begin to feel happier and more optimistic. We want to “bloom” where we are.

So what better way to channel the spirit of renewal than to give your space a spring refresh?

You spent the cold winter months hibernating inside, so it’s time to emerge from your cozy cocoon and step out into the world. And a little spring cleaning and makeover is a wonderful way to usher in the new season. 

From spring cleaning to decorating your space, the changes you make in your physical environment will have a ripple effect in all parts of your life. You’ll feel like you’re starting on a clean slate both literally and metaphorically. And you’ll pursue your goals and dreams with renewed vigor.

So open the windows and let some fresh air in. It’s time to give your space a spring refresh.

Deep clean your space

The first thing you’ll want to do is deep clean your home for spring. 

Think about all the dust, dirt, and germs that gathered in your space over the winter months. And now that the weather is getting nicer, you’re also probably bringing in additional dirt and germs from the outside world—not to mention pollen

So before you embark on any home projects, you’ll want to start with a spring cleaning routine first. 

Here’s how to be organized and efficient with your spring cleaning so your home can be sparkling clean in no time. 

Tackle your home by zone. Don’t attempt to clean your entire home in one fell swoop. You’ll just tire yourself out and end up wanting to abandon your spring cleaning routine altogether. Instead, “break down” your home by zone. Example: entryway, living room, kitchen, bedroom, etc. And then, schedule a day and a time to tackle a specific zone, such as the entryway, and do a thorough cleaning/organizing of that zone. Depending on how much time and energy you have, you can tackle the next zone or schedule it for later.

Break down your zone into mini-zones. To better manage your cleaning project, it might help to break down your zone into mini-zones. For example, instead of trying to tidy your entire kitchen in one sitting, you would manage one mini-zone or section at a time. For example, you could clean out the fridge and toss out all expired food one day, and then organize your spice rack, and tidy your cabinets and shelves the next. 

Set a timer. Having trouble staying on top of your spring cleaning? Use a timer to conduct cleaning sprints. So pick a room or a zone, set a timer for 15 minutes, and then do as much cleaning and organizing as you can. You’ll be surprised by how much you can get done with a little time pressure! 

Declutter and organize your workspace

If you work from home you’ll definitely want to give your workspace a spring refresh. 

Your workspace can feel like a direct reflection of your own internal state. If your desk is piled high with clutter your mind often feels cluttered and busy as well.

So make sure to do a thorough cleaning of your workspace to help you focus and concentrate this spring. 

Combat paper clutter. Paper is one of the biggest culprits of a messy desk. They seem to accumulate overnight. So recycle old documents and magazines. Shred any paperwork with sensitive information, And keep yourself organized with file folders, paper trays, and binders

Toss out old pens. There’s nothing more annoying than rifling your desk for a pen only to find one that doesn’t have any ink. So toss out any old pens that are taking up space on your desk. Replace them with a fresh supply

Have a “home” for your office items. Use catch-all trays and desk organizers to keep your office supplies organized and out of the way.

Bring a sense of optimism to your space

Springtime is a season of change. So it’s an auspicious time to change up your space to help create a sense of vibrancy and optimism in your life. 

What makes you happy? Make a list of colors, patterns, objects that bring a smile to your face and remind you of spring. Maybe it’s a pretty notebook or a rug with a cheerful design or anything with a floral pattern. Use this list as inspiration when you start to refresh and decorate your space. 

Swap out dark and cozy for bright and cheerful. Instead of going out and buying new decorative items, see if you can swap anything out with items you already own. For example, replace dark accent pillows for ones that are bright and cheerful. Or put away your plaid and fleece winter blankets for light and airy ones. 

Add natural elements to your space. Freshen up your space with springtime flowers like tulips or peonies. Add lush, green plants to your living room or study. Decorate your shelves with pretty stones or shells. Natural elements will add warmth to any room and make it come alive. 

Give your office tools a refresh

As we mentioned, spring is a season of hope and renewal. So it’s the perfect time to renew your goals and give your work routine and tools a refresh. 

Your office tools help you do the best work possible, so don’t skimp on them. Invest in the tools that help you stay motivated, focused, and most importantly, excited to pursue your goals. 

How are your office tools faring? How can you revive your current supplies? 

Maybe it’s opting for notebooks with pretty pastel covers that are so evocative of spring. Or pens with bold colors. Or a desk lamp with an eye-catching design.

These small upgrades to your office tools will help re-energize your workspace and get you excited to tackle your goals and projects this spring.

Written by JiJi Lee

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