How to Create a Bullet Journal Habit Tracker

How to Create a Bullet Journal Habit Tracker

Whether you’re trying to create a new habit or break an old one, you’ll definitely want to use a Bullet Journal to track your progress.

Bullet journals are hugely popular and for good reason. The customizable notebook is a one-stop shop for organizing your ideas, creating lists, and staying productive. And its dot grid pages lend themselves to creating layouts that track your habits.  

Why use a habit tracker? It takes effort and discipline to introduce a new habit. And as human beings, it’s in our nature to cling to old routines and stick to what we know. So it’s no surprise then that we quickly give up on new habits. But when we track our habits on a regular basis, we have a better shot at maintaining them.

If you’re looking to incorporate new habits into your life, here are some tips and tricks for using a bullet journal habit tracker to achieve success.

Benefits of a bullet journal habit tracker

With so many apps and notebooks out there, you might be wondering why a bullet journal is particularly useful for habit tracking. Here are some of the many reasons that people have taken to their bullet journal to incorporate new habits and break old ones. 

Central hub. Die-hard fans love the all-purpose quality of a bullet journal. No longer do you have to carry tons of different notebooks or keep track of random scraps of paper. You can capture a variety of information in just one notebook. 

Customization. BuJo enthusiasts have a lot of fun with customizing their notebook pages. You can create everything from calendars to graphs to plain to-do lists. You can also track different components of a new habit or goal. 

Visual. When information is stuck in our head, it’s hard to process it. But a bullet journal allows us to record data in a visual way. When it’s all laid out like that in an organized fashion, we have an easier time processing and acting on new information. 

Keeps you motivated. When we see a row of check marks or boxes that are crossed out, we’re more motivated to keep going. We’ll work harder to make sure we don’t create a gap. It’s a little mind trick that works wonders for creating new habits. 

Small wins. Building a new habit takes time, effort, and patience. We may not see results right away and because of that it’s easy to lose hope. A habit tracker can alert you to the micro changes that you are making day in and day out. Whether it’s running a minute faster or writing for five extra minutes, you’ll notice these little changes that will soon create big wins over time. 

Re-adjust. A bullet journal can also show you where you need to improve and adjust. For instance, if there are big gaps in your fitness habit tracker, maybe it’s a sign that you need to alter your workout schedule. Instead of waiting an entire year to pass and realize you need to adjust, you can quickly identify these gaps and react. Once we pivot and adjust, we can get back on track.

Habit tracker tools

The beauty of bullet journaling is that it only requires two tools: a notebook and a pen. 

If you’re looking for the best bullet journal for habit tracking, you’ll want to go for a notebook with dot grid pages. The dot grid design makes it easier to create layouts that are neat, organized, and overall pleasing to the eye. So if you’re like me and have trouble drawing a straight line, a dot grid layout is your friend. 

As for pens, a fountain or gel pen will show up nicely on bullet journal pages. 

If you want to get creative, you can also use washi tape to create borders and calendars. Or use markers and colorful pens to highlight information and decorate your pages.

How to create a habit tracker

Here are some easy ways that you can create a habit tracker in your bullet journal. 

Step 1: Choose the habits you want to build or break

First things first, select a habit that you’d like to build into your routine. Need some inspiration? Here are some examples of habits that you might want to incorporate:

Professional. Maybe you want to improve your public speaking skills by speaking up more in meetings. In order for this new habit to become second nature to you, keep track of your progress in a bullet journal.  

Creative. Whether it’s writing your first screenplay or building your illustration portfolio, a habit tracker can help you stay motivated and on track.

Health. You can use a bullet journal to log your workouts, keep track of your runs for marathon training, and take note of your meal plans. Keeping a daily log of your fitness goals is a great way to stay motivated. 

Lifestyle. Maybe it’s learning a new language or reading more books or keeping in touch with friends. Use your bullet journal to help you strengthen these different areas of your life. 

You can also use a habit tracker to help you break existing habits. Maybe you’re trying to reduce screen time or stop biting your nails. Use a habit tracker to help you curb this habit until it’s no longer around.

Step 2: Choose a format

Thanks to the bullet journal’s dot grid pages, it’s easy to create your own layouts. 

Popular bullet journal habit tracking layouts include: 

Calendar. You can create a monthly, weekly, and daily calendar to schedule your new habit and record your progress.

Graph. A graph layout is a great way to visually track your growth and identify peaks and valleys. This can be helpful if you’re trying to maintain financial habits and keep track of spending. 

Daily log. You can color in the boxes or cross them out with an x. This can help you stay motivated and see all the hard work you put in everyday. 

You can get as creative or minimalist as you like. And don’t worry if you think your BuJo layouts aren’t artistic enough. The important thing is to choose a layout that’s easy to create and will help you get the job done.  Honestly, even just checkmarking or crossing out boxes is enough to track your habits. 

Step 3: Log your rewards

We’re more likely to stick to a new habit if we have a reward waiting for us at the end. So whether it’s buying yourself new workout clothes or treating yourself to a new supply of pens or even watching your favorite television show, make sure to include your rewards in your bullet journal’s habit tracker.
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