Why We Love Paper In a Digital World

Why We Love Paper In a Digital World

It’s no secret we love all things paper here at Ink+Volt.

Pretty notebook covers. The experience of putting pen to paper. Pouring our feelings out onto the page. Or writing a tender note to a loved one. Writing by hand makes us feel more human, more connected to ourselves and other people.

And in this era of smart devices and real time updates and DMs, there is something so calming and meditative about the simple act of writing in a notebook

Sure, typing on a laptop might be faster but its fast-paced nature can also make us feel more frenzied or distracted. We fixate on typos, we feel compelled to delete everything, and, biggest challenge of all, we’re tempted to go online.

Writing on paper, on the other hand, forces us to slow down and think about what we want to say. Counter-intuitively, it’s this act of being more thoughtful about our words that actually makes us feel less self-conscious about what we write down. Writing in a notebook feels like it’s meant just for us. It’s a safe space. As a result, we feel more free on the page. 

There are also so many proven benefits to writing by hand, such as improving your memory and retaining new information. And in this digital age when information is at our fingertips, we never do seem to remember the articles we’ve just read or the factoids we’ve just learned.

So if you’re looking to improve your note-taking skills or plan your schedule better or map out your goals more effectively, then you’ll definitely want to reach for a simple notebook and pen.

Reasons we love putting pen to paper

We can’t get enough of writing by hand. Here are just some of the many reasons we love paper. 

You can make better decisions. In this age of real-time messaging, we feel pressured to make decisions in real time as well. But making strategic decisions for your business or big decisions for your personal life can’t be rushed. You need to take time to think through your options and various paths. Putting your thoughts on paper will help you organize your thoughts and make an informed decision. When you see all your steps laid out on the page, you’ll have a clearer picture of what you need to do.

You can increase your focus. While it might be faster to enter your tasks and deadlines into a digital calendar or planner, the temptation is also greater to check your email, read an online article, or fall into an internet rabbit hole. But when you write in a notebook or paper planner, your eyes, hands, and mind have nowhere to stray but the page. The tactile nature of writing by hand harnesses your focus and concentration. You can’t click on the shiny new thing, you must remain on the page. 

You can tap into your creativity. Another reason we love paper? It makes you more creative. Because paper helps you focus, you are in a better mindset to explore your ideas, patiently think through a problem, and find solutions. The page also gives you free space to doodle, which can help your mind roam free and make connections between seemingly disparate ideas.

You can manage your time better. Writing your schedule in a planner can actually help you be more productive and efficient. It gives you a chance to reflect on your previous week and take note of what went well or didn’t go as planned. And then you can apply those improvements to your upcoming week. You’ll also be better about spending less time on irrelevant tasks, and prioritizing the work that really matters. Taking time to think through your schedule on paper will save you lots of time in the long run.

You can accomplish your goals. They say that the difference between a dream and a goal is a plan. How often have you had a great idea only to forget about it? Or didn’t know what to do with it? So if you have a big dream that you’ve always wanted to accomplish, write it down. This simple act takes a vague idea and turns it into a concrete step. When you see your goal written on the page, you’ll then be able to come up with a clear action plan and to–do list. You can then add these to-dos to your schedule and follow up on it every day or week. 

Relieve stress and overwhelm. On those days when everything seems to feel intense and stressful, it’s so hard to put our finger on what it is exactly that’s making us upset. Writing in a journal can help you explore your thoughts and get to the bottom of your emotions. It’s a refuge for airing out any grievances or confronting difficult emotions like jealousy or anger. It’s also an opportunity to talk to yourself the way you would talk to a good friend. You can say nice things to yourself, offer advice, and coach yourself through difficult moments. 

You can turn a tedious task into something fun. Let’s face it, calculating your budget isn’t exactly a pleasurable activity. But putting it on paper gives you a great excuse to break out your favorite notebooks, pens, stickers. And now a mundane task can be an outlet for fun and creativity. 

You can track your habits. Whether you're trying to develop a positive habit or drop a bad one, track it in a notebook to make it stick. Our habits are deeply ingrained in us, making it incredibly difficult to build new habits. So if you’re looking to exercise more or eat healthier you need to hold yourself accountable with a habit tracker. Use a notebook to log your workouts, new routines, etc. This daily maintenance will keep you on track and before you know it your habit will integrate into your everyday routine.  

As you can see, the wonders of paper are plentiful. If you’re looking for more paper or notebook inspiration, read our article here.

Written by JiJi Lee

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