Home Stretch Series

Finish the Year Strong

It's never too late to accomplish your goals. There are so many things that we put off, or forget about, that would be life-changing to complete. That's why we created the Home Stretch series, full of tips and worksheets to help you accomplish everything left on your to-do list.  

home stretch worksheets

Whether it's things to accomplish by the end of the year, or hyper-focusing your month, this series will help define your most important goals and priorities. If you choose to, you can make each day count, and you can start right now. 

Home Stretch Series 

  1. Home Stretch Goals 
    What do you want to accomplish by the end of the year? Download the Home Stretch Goal List Worksheet
  2. Maximizing Your Impact
    Where do you start with your goals? Be strategic about what you choose to work on and when. Download the Maximize Your Impact Worksheet.
  3. End-of-Year Review
    Make the most of your end-of-year review process. Taking this process seriously can have huge rewards. Download the End-of-Year Review Prep Worksheet. 
  4. Turn Stress Into Motivation
    This worksheet will help you learn how to reframe your negative stress into positive productivity and focus.
  5. Small Bites, Big Impact
    Hone your strategy for maximizing your time during your busiest weeks with this "Power Hour" Worksheet. 
  6. Yearly Planning Series
    Our 4-part planning worksheet series will help you reflect and set goals for the new year.

Home Stretch Tools

These tools are our top picks for putting your end-of-year goals and tasks into action.  

    There's light at the end of the tunnel, and we are cheering for you! Make the most of your year.