20 Things to Do on a Summer Saturday

20 Things to Do on a Summer Saturday

Summer’s longer days and warmer temperatures invite us to slow down and take it easy.

It’s a time to be outdoors, linger over meals with good friends and conversation, and enjoy the magical moments of our favorite season.

There’s also something so nostalgic about summer. While summer is all about being outdoors, with beach time and picnics, it’s also an ideal time to unwind and be introspective. This time of year makes us want to break out our journals and reconnect with our goals and dreams. 

So if you love thinking about summer plans, you’ll love our list of fun and leisurely activities for a summer Saturday. Whether you’re looking to do something social and adventurous or solo and introspective, you’ll find something that’s perfect for you. 

  1. Go to the farmers market. Take advantage of summer’s fresh bounty with a trip to the local farmer’s market. You can’t go wrong with strawberries, peaches, tomatoes, and corn this time of year.
  1. Make a travel wish list. If you don’t have any trips planned this summer then make a travel wish list to help set the plans in motion for next year. It’s been said that planning a trip can be just as satisfying as the actual vacation. So look up hotels, bookmark restaurants, and see yourself traveling there in no time. 
  1. Have coffee in bed. Sleep in on a summer Saturday with a cup of coffee and a fun magazine in bed. It’s a simple, but indulgent treat that will make you feel like you’re staying at a hotel. 
  1. Go to a movie theater. Beat the heat by going to your local movie theater and enjoying a summer blockbuster with popcorn and candy. You’ll feel like a kid again. 
  1. Toss a frisbee. Sometimes you want to play a game with friends without having to learn any complicated rules. Solution? Bring a frisbee to the park and toss it around. 
  1. Explore a new-to-you neighborhood. Recreate those vacation vibes by having a staycation in your own town. Pick a neighborhood you’ve always wanted to explore and spend the day there. Walk around the park, visit a museum, and have dinner at a fun, new restaurant. No airfare required. 
  1. Catch a sports game. There’s nothing like the fun and nostalgic atmosphere of a live sports event. Cold drinks. Snacks. Rooting for the home team. A baseball game or tennis match is one of the best things to do on a summer Saturday. 
  1. Go for an early morning walk. When it’s hot outside, the last thing you want to do is take a long walk. But since you don’t have a meeting to rush on Saturdays, use your early morning hours to go for a stroll. The temperatures will be a lot more pleasant in the morning and you can take a long, leisurely walk before it heats up.
  1. Make a scrapbook. The slower pace of summer brings out our nostalgic, sentimental side. So use this time to record your favorite memories of the past year by making your own scrapbook. Gather a notebook, markers, photos, receipts, concert tickets, and other mementos to fill your scrapbook with. 
  1. Get lost in a book. Summer’s gentler pace means you get to spend more time lingering over a book. So make a summer reading list and enjoy your summer reads poolside, on a park bench, or from the comfort of your own bed. 
  1. Send some snail mail. You don’t have to be a kid to have a pen pal. Send a handwritten card to your bestie or family member and brighten their day. 
  1. Have a summer picnic. There’s something about eating outside that makes everything taste so much better. Pack some sandwiches and snacks and head to your local park or beach.
  1. Hang out on a pier. Walking along a pier is a great solo activity or for the whole family. You get to watch sailboats glide by on the water, listen to the seagulls cawing overhead, and feel the breeze on your face. End the day by watching the sun set.
  1. Go to an outdoor movie screening. After being cooped up inside all winter, you probably don’t want to spend your summer binge-watching movies on your couch. But if you’re a cinephile don’t fret. Go to a local movie screening at a park or drive-in and enjoy the collective experience of movie watching while still being outdoors. 
  1. Hit the beach. Summer is practically synonymous with the beach. Enjoy your summer Saturday walking along the shore, collecting seashells, or just looking at the waves.
  1. Have ice cream outside. Ice Cream tastes better in summer. Period. 
  1. Take a nap in a hammock. Summer is all about being lazy and relaxed and nothing will make you feel more lazy and relaxed then a daytime nap in a hammock.  
  1. Write in your journal. Use your summer Saturday to get in touch with your creative side. Select your prettiest journal and markers and have fun writing your heart out.
  1. Ride a bike. It’s so easy to feel like a kid again when you’re riding a bike. Hit the trails or bike around your neighborhood. You’ll love the sound of the whirring wheels and the feeling of the wind on your face. 
  1. Make a list of September goals. Now that the office is finally slowing down you can use this time to reflect on what you’d like to do come fall. Make a list of things you’ve always wanted to do or try. And you don’t have to restrict this to career goals. What are some experiences you’d like to try? Or how would you like to reconnect with the people and things that bring you joy? Creating a list of goals will give you that exciting, back to school feeling. 

Feel free to use this as inspiration or make a fun summer bucket list.

Written by JiJi Lee

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