Look Inside the Ink+Volt 2021 Goal Planner

A stack of Ink+Volt Brilliant Series Goal planners on a white background.

The Ink+Volt 2021 Goal Planner is finally here!

Our planners are designed to make you more successful. They are built on proven layouts that guide you through setting yearly, monthly, and weekly goals with a flexible system that will help move you towards completing them.

This year, our planners have some new and improved designs to help you be even *more* intentional about the goals you set and the roadmap you lay out to help you achieve them. 

Here’s a look at what’s new this year, and why you’ll want to get your 2021 planner *now* while they’re still available!

20 colors to choose from!

This year, we’re introducing more colors than ever before, and trust us when we say that they are absolutely beautiful.

The new colors we’re adding this year include: splash, blue slate, azure, cosmic blue, carbon shadow, stardust silver, rose, champagne, and pearl. You’ll find the new colors in our Brilliant Series planners as well as the seriously luxe Limited Edition Series planners.

A stack of Ink+Volt Goal planners in all colors.

And that’s all in addition to the beloved colors in the timeless Signature Series and the cozy, coastal Pacific Series that you love.

Because our products are carefully handmade right here in the USA, we have limited runs of each color — when a color is gone, it’s gone! That’s why you’re going to want to order yours ASAP so you don’t miss out on your perfect match.

New yearly planning layouts

Now let’s talk about the most important part of any goal planner: the layouts.

We believe that it’s important to clearly define your vision and goals for the year so you know exactly what you’re working for. (It’s also why we release a totally free yearly planning series each year — keep an eye out for our 2021 edition launching at the end of the year!)

The Ink+Volt Goal Planner always begins with prompts to help you bring your year into focus, reflect on what’s important to you, and think about your long-term goals. We guide you through reflection prompts including:

  • Identifying how you’re committing to improving yourself this year
  • What your perfect year would look like
  • What you want to start (or stop!) doing this year
  • Brainstorming motivation and inspiration for the coming year
  • Defining your yearly theme
  • Describing your five-year vision
  • And clearly listing the key actions and milestones you need to take to make that long-term vision a reality

And now that process is even more focused and guided in the new planner:

A closeup of the 2021 Theme page from the 2021 Ink+Volt Goal Planner.

Now here’s the really exciting new part: we’ve added a timeline spread!

The timeline page with detailed information in the 2021 Ink+Volt Goal Planner.

Setting dates on a timeline helps you visualize the year ahead and decide when you will tackle your goals. Use this new spread to map out and sequence milestones and important events in order to organize your goals and give them deadlines. 

You’ll also be able to divide your goals into what you’ll complete in the first half of the year and what you’ll complete in the second. Setting concrete milestones and deadlines — and then checking in on them! — is crucial to keeping yourself accountable and on track for success.

The monthly pages you know and love

Our monthly planning spreads are some of our customers’ favorites, and we’re keeping them as-is in this year’s planner!

The beginning of the year shouldn’t be the only time you check in on your goals. Approaching the start of each month intentionally and setting aside time to check in on your progress and set new, realistic goals for the next 30 days is key to our proven goal-setting system.

Each month, you’ll have an overview spread that shows the full calendar month and allows you space to set a monthly focus, note important dates, and jot down notes, reminders, or lists.

The planner also includes a page for you to set your monthly goals *and* commit to a 30-day challenge — something you can work on in small doses throughout the month that will improve your life or bring you closer to being the person you want to be. (Get some inspiration for your challenges here!)

Updates to the weekly planning page

If you *really* want to commit to your goals this year, staying consistent with weekly check-ins (in addition to the monthly ones!) is crucial. 

It can be easy to lose track of your big-picture goals and priorities in all of the daily to-dos, fire drills, and favors that inevitably crop up each week. That’s why this year, we wanted to help you make your priorities clear each week so that you don’t lose sight of what’s really important to dedicate time to.

With our newly designed weekly goals pages, you’ll have the opportunity to set your three key goals each week — these should be the biggest priorities that will help you make meaningful progress toward your personal and professional goals. 

Directly beneath this section, you’ll be able to list the rest of your to-dos for the week.

Each week also offers you a reminder to check in on your yearly goals, monthly goals, and 30-day challenge progress, as well as the opportunity to reflect and celebrate on what went well, because it’s important to celebrate your successes and milestones!

A closeup of the Weekly Planning page in the 2021 Ink+Volt Goal Planner.

Why the Ink+Volt Goal Planner works

Studies show that you are 30% more likely to achieve your goals simply by writing them down. At Ink+Volt, we want to take that a step further. 

Not only do we encourage you to write down your goals, but we also help you to continuously check in with yourself and reflect on your progress. We know that life rarely goes according to plan, so your weekly and monthly checkpoints are opportunities to adjust to whatever curveball has been thrown at you and make a plan to continue moving forward toward your long-term vision. 

Our flexible framework allows you to move at your own pace and make changes and updates as needed. Because the most important thing to us is your success. 

And if you don’t believe us, take it from the thousands of Ink+Volt customers who have had their most successful, productive years *ever* after adopting our planner. 

We are confident that these new changes and improvements are going to help you make 2021 your most successful year yet. And we would love to hear what you think! Please send any feedback, suggestions, or success stories (our favorite!) to hello@inkandvolt.com.
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