Make Planning Easier By Using a Planner Without a Spiral

A yellow planner open on a marble tabletop next to a cup of tea and a magazine

Whether you’re a devoted planner user or shopping around for your first one, you’ll definitely want to take the time to choose a planner that suits your needs.

So when it comes to your planner’s binding, you’ll want to ask yourself the big question: spiral or no spiral?

It may not seem like a big deal at first glance, but your planner’s binding plays a big role in your overall writing experience. Do you want the pages to lie flat? Do you want to be able to flip through your planner easily? Do you want to bring your planner everywhere? 

These are all questions that will help you land on the right planner for you.

In order to help you decide, let’s take a look at some of the differences between a coiled planner and a planner without a spiral. 

Coiled planner versus planner without a spiral

The most obvious difference is that a coiled planner is spiral bound, whereas a planner without a spiral is bound like a book. Here’s how this key feature affects your writing experience.

Lie-flat. If you’re a fan of spiral-bound notebooks, then you probably love that the planner lies flat. Planner users know that there’s nothing more annoying than trying to write in your planner, only to have the pages drift up or close in on you. However, if you’re not a fan of the spiral look, you can find a variety of hard-bound planners that lie-flat. 

Flip-through. A spiral notebook is also great because you can flip through pages easily without losing your place. This is super convenient if you’re trying to track your goals or habits, and need to reference different pages. But, you can easily find bound planners that have the flip-through quality as well. And left-handed users will find that it’s easier to flip through pages without a spiral. 

Durability. The downside to keeping a coiled planner is that it’s not always the most sturdy, and the coil can get damaged or bent. If you need something that’s more resilient, a planner without a spiral can usually put up with some wear.

Why a planner without a spiral is the one for you…

When choosing the perfect planner for you, you definitely want to think about your needs, preferences, and your everyday routine. Here are some factors to consider when deciding if a planner without a spiral is the best choice.

You want a carry-everywhere planner

A coiled planner is great if you mainly plan on using it at your desk. But if you’re looking to bring your planner along to business meetings and trips, or to classes and the library, then you’ll want the durability of a planner without a spiral. Bound planners tend to be more sturdy and tolerant of frequent use. You can slip a bound planner easily into your bag without worrying about damaging it. Whereas with a spiral notebook, you’d have to be careful about how you pack it or risk bending the coil. 

Plus, with a bound planner, you never have to worry about accidentally ripping out a page, which can sometimes be an issue with a spiral planner. You can rest assured that your pages will stay intact and that your notes will stay safe. 

You want a planner with nice material

Spiral notebooks can give off “back to school vibes” and bring to mind those 5-subject notebooks we used back in middle school. Personally, the nostalgic factor is why I love spiral notebooks. But I get that not everyone loves that aesthetic! If you’re looking for a planner with beautiful material and texture, then a soft cover leather or book cloth cover is definitely the way to go. 

You like clean design

Do you like clean and minimalist vibes? Then a bound planner is the right choice. Without a spiral, the planner looks elegant and streamlined, and seamlessly blends into your work space. If you like clean design but don’t want to forego color, you can choose the perfect planner color to brighten up your desk. It’s a simple but effective way to add a decorative touch and transform your office into a welcoming and pleasant one. 

You’re a leftie 

If you’re a left-handed writer, then a spiral planner may not be the most convenient option. The spiral can get in the way of your writing, which isn’t always practical when you’re trying to jot down notes quickly or get things done. A planner without a spiral can allow lefties to to flip through pages and write down notes easily, minus the physical distraction. 

You want the convenience of a spiral notebook with the look of a book

Maybe I’m biased, but my favorite thing about our Ink+Volt planners is that you don’t have to sacrifice functionality for style. You can have the elegant look of a no-coil planner, but with the convenience of a spiral-bound one. This is definitely the best of both worlds!

So when you’re using your bound planner, you can rest assured that your planner pages will lie flat and that you’ll have a smooth writing and planning experience.

Written by JiJi Lee.

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