Sherisse Hawkins, CEO of Pagedip, Answers “What’s In Your Planner?”

Sherisse Hawkins, CEO of Pagedip, Answers “What’s In Your Planner?”

Tell us who you are and what you do.

I’m Sherisse Hawkins, a corporate escapee and the CEO and founder of Pagedip. Pagedip is a cloud-based software solution that allows you to bring depth to digital documents, enabling people to read (text), watch (video) and do (interact) all in the same place without ever having to leave the page. We’ve turned a linear reading experience into a multidimensional exploration… and it’s the most fun I’ve had since I worked as a Walt Disney Imagineer at the beginning of my career.

What has been the proudest moment of your career?

I take pride in knowing that I’ve created something that is solving a problem. Everything we do in business relies on communication, and knowing that I have helped improve communication for enterprise, small businesses, and non-profits is gratifying. But my favorite moment was talking to a parent of a critically ill child who described how the Pagedip solution aided in their child’s recovery.

What makes you feel confident or successful?

There is a poster on the wall in my office that says “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it will achieve”. This inspires me daily. I also have a small plaque in the windowsill that reads “It’s ok to have too much fun”. I think this is equally important to remember.

What career advice would you give to your younger self?

Being bold and taking risks is more fun than being silent and waiting. Start sooner.

What’s one of your favorite techniques for getting things done?

I begin each morning by meditating to start my mind off clear and fresh. I also make and prioritize to-do lists for the day, week, and year. My husband jokes that I “over” organize.

If you keep a planner, what does an average day look like? Or, how do you plan productive days?

The best part of this job is that there is no “typical” day. Because each day is different, organization and preparation are essential. I always make sure I am prepared for the day ahead, whatever my schedule may be.

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?

If you are unhappy, change. It’s a really simple statement but scary and powerful too.

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