Trust Yourself: A 4-Step Guide to Following Your Intuition

A woman sits outside in front of a sunset over hills

Your gut likely has a lot to say.

But for many of us, it depends on how much credence we give to it. If you’ve ever been at a crossroads of what to do in a certain situation, you might’ve heard this advice. 

Just follow your intuition. 

Trusting your inner self can feel scary—even dangerous. How do you know that your intuition is right? How do you balance your intuition with practicality and logic? In what situations is following your intuition advantageous? 

We’ve compiled a guide to help you intelligently follow your intuition—including six situations of when it might be time to listen to your gut

6 situations where your intuition needs to be heard 

  • When making a tough decision. Important decisions come and go in our lives more often than we may think. Choosing a career path, making a move across the country. Pursuing a certain relationship, accepting or declining a new job. Any sort of challenging decision that presents itself lends itself to a gut feeling.
  • What does your intuition tell you about this decision? What does your inner self have to say about the choices presented in front of you? Tough decisions might need to be weighed with logic and practicality. But don’t dismiss the power of intuition in situations that call for making a tough decision. 
  • Navigating interpersonal relationships. It’s likely that every relationship will come with its own set of challenges. Relationships can be tricky because they’re inherently emotional. Trusting your intuition can help you cultivate deeper connections, foster empathy, and navigate conflicts more effectively. In some situations, trusting your intuition can also tell you when it’s time to walk away. 
  • Solving a problem. Today more than ever, there’s more ambiguity and uncertainty around problems. Your intuition can be your saving grace or guiding light—especially in situations where logic leads you to two solid choices and courses of action. greater ease and confidence.
  • Finding yourself in your personal growth journey. When it comes to reaching your full potential, your personal growth and self-discovery journey can heavily lean on your intuition as a guide. Trusting yourself means knowing yourself, which is a hard thing to do. But the more you trust in who you are, the stronger your intuition will feel. Over time, you’ll find you can uncover hidden truths, overcome obstacles, and unlock your full potential. You can document your growth in a progress journal
  • Cultivating creativity and innovation. Any creative will tell you that their intuition plays a crucial role in the creative process. Trusting your intuition can lead to breakthrough ideas, innovative solutions, and inspired creations. By allowing yourself to tap into your creative flow and follow your intuition, you can unlock new realms of possibility. 

A 4-step guide to following your intuition 

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a 4-step guide to following your intuition. Here’s what you need to know. 

Step 1: Cultivate self-awareness

The first step in following your intuition is to develop and cultivate self-awareness. Take the time to quiet your mind. This may involve practices such as self-reflection, meditation, journaling, or simply spending quiet time alone—in nature, in your favorite room in your house, or even just sitting outside in a park.  

Pay attention to the thoughts, feelings, and sensations that come up for you. Notice any patterns or recurring themes that may emerge. By becoming more attuned to your inner world, you'll develop a deeper understanding of your intuition and how it communicates with you.

Step 2: Listen without judgment

Once you've cultivated self-awareness, the next step is to listen to your intuition without judgment. Trust that the messages you receive are valid, even if they don't seem to make sense at first. 

Avoid dismissing or rationalizing away your intuitive insights. Instead, approach them with an open mind and curiosity. Remember that intuition often speaks in subtle whispers rather than loud declarations, so be patient and receptive to the guidance that comes your way.

Step 3: Practice discernment

While it's important to trust your intuition, it's equally important to practice discernment. Not every thought or feeling that arises within you is necessarily intuitive guidance. 

Learn to discern between the voice of intuition and the voice of ego by paying attention to the quality of the messages you receive. Intuitive guidance often feels clear, calm, and aligned with your highest good, whereas ego-driven thoughts may feel frantic, conflicted, or self-serving. 

Trust your instincts to distinguish between the two and follow the guidance that feels most authentic and resonant.

Step 4: Take action

The final step in following your intuition is to take inspired action based on the guidance you've received. Trust that your intuition has led you to this point for a reason and have the courage to follow through on its guidance. 

This may involve making a difficult decision, taking a leap of faith, or stepping outside of your comfort zone. Remember that following your intuition often requires courage and vulnerability, but it also opens the door to new opportunities and growth. 

Trusting yourself starts with knowing yourself. We can’t wait to see where your intuition leads you.

Written by Madeline Miles
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