Yearly Planning Guide

At least once a year, most of us like to think about our life goals. It’s a time to reflect on the past year and make decisions about all the great things you want in the year ahead.

Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? Your yearly planning pages will be the little voice in your head reminding you, every day, where you want to go and helping you get there.

How to Use the Yearly Theme Page

A yearly theme can be a word or a phrase that you choose to define how the next year of your life is going to be. It should be an idea that speaks to you and guides you to make more of the choices that will take you where you want to go in life and in your career.

To help you get on the right track for the year, this page has 3 sections designed to guide you through the planning process.

  1. Brainstorming

    Reflect on the past year. What do you want to leave behind from last year? What went incredibly well? What do you want more of in the year ahead?

    Think about the person you aspire to be. Imagine meeting the perfect version of yourself in 5 years. What does that person know that you don’t know yet? What do they do? Who do they know? How do they spend their time?

    Write out lots of ideas. It will probably take you a while to work through your ideas and come up with a word or phrase that resonates with you, so don’t try to force it if it doesn’t happen right away.

  2. Recording your theme

    Let your theme ideas simmer for a while, and revisit the brainstorming exercise in a few days to see if any of your themes really stand out to you. It’s very possible that one will be an obvious winner!

    Write your theme on the page, and add any extra notes, illustrations, or quotes that will help you feel excited and empowered to take on your theme this year.

  3. Planning the year’s top goals

    Your theme is only as powerful as you make it! Once you know how you want to be throughout the year, start thinking about what this new mindset will help you accomplish.

    What do you want to do most in the upcoming year? What will have the biggest impact on your life or career? Start writing down goals you want to accomplish, and make sure to remember this page for when you’re plotting out your monthly goals. Check back on this page often to make sure you’re still aligned with the theme and goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year.