Five 2020 Goals You Can Actually Keep

An Ink+Volt Planner is open on a table surrounded by star confetti

Oh hey, 2020! 

There isn’t a better time to make a new goal. Ringing in the new year with a new vision is the first step in making big changes, researchers say. In fact, you’re nearly 10 times as likely to change behavior if you set a goal now. 

Keeping it though? That can be a totally different story. Most people will give up on their resolutions by the middle of the year. Setting 2020 goals should start with some planning — an Ink+Volt Signature Series planner is a good place to start — and some creativity. 

Goals that are too specific will be hard to keep up unless you’ve got some serious dedication. But don’t let the fear of failure keep you from making some positive changes. There are some 2020 goals that will have you reaching higher this year. Here are five of our recommendations:

1. Meet New People 

There are some great benefits to expanding your social network: you may learn new things, you could be presented with a new opportunity and it can improve your mental and physical health. But the older we get, the more challenging meeting new people becomes. We sit behind our computers all day, communicate virtually, and become so busy it can be hard to push our boundaries and actually find time to reach out or get together with a new friend or acquaintance. 

This year, consider making it a priority to socialize. It’s a simple way to boost your life in a whole bunch of ways. The big plus with this goal is that it won’t feel like a major chore. Find a group of like-minded people who share a hobby or career path. There are organizations for nearly every industry, and if you’re looking to expand your squad outside of work, try signing up for a new class or event. MeetUp is a great place to start searching based on your interests — you'll find everything from running groups to lunchtime meditation gatherings to random trips to the zoo. 

2. Be More Mindful 

How do you start your day? Is it scrolling Instagram or checking emails? That small action can set the tone for the rest of your day, rushing from task to task and ultimately feeling drained by the end of the day. In a world of buzzing phones and constant emails, being present is an accomplishment in itself. 

Being mindful has a host of benefits, according to psychologists. It reduces stress and boosts memory. It can help strengthen relationships and lessen emotional reactivity. The best part is that being mindful is totally what you make it. We often associate mindfulness with meditation, but it can take the shape of whatever your life needs. That could be different day to day. Try different techniques and see what works or what sticks.

Start your day by listing five things you're grateful for before you pick up your phone, set phone alarms throughout the day to remind you to do breathing exercises, pick up coloring, or take 20 minutes to meditate before bed. However you can work mindfulness into your schedule will surely have a positive effect on your life.

3. Get Organized 

With every fresh start comes a tendency to want to keep everything orderly. But as many busy professionals know that’s sometimes easier said than done. Finding a good organization method is a really great 2020 goal because there are a lot of ways to organize your life, your career, and your daily schedule. It’s also quite beneficial to other parts of your life. 

Studies show that getting organized can help improve sleep, reduce stress, improve eating habits, and boost energy — all good things to keep you at your best this year.

Successful resolutions tend to be ones that we can practice everyday. A good place to start is with the Ink+Volt Today Organizer Pad. It helps give you a good overview of your day by highlighting major tasks and priorities, enabling you to approach every day with a positive mindset, ready to be more productive. 

4. Spend Smarter

Studies show that financial goals are some of the most popular goals at the beginning of each year. But “saving money” can be a hard one to master. 

Instead, try spending smarter. 

Start with impulse purchases. If you can easily talk yourself into buying something even when asking yourself, “Do I really need this?” you’re not alone. Try calculating the price-per-use (total price divided by the number of times you expect to use or wear the item). If you don’t think the cost for each is worth it, it’s probably an indicator that you should save your money. 

You can also try to limit any unnecessary spending by limiting paying by card. It’s difficult to visualize spending with the swipe of a credit card, but actually handing over cash will help keep perspective. 

Finally set a goal. Do you want to pay off a credit card or loan before the year’s end? Do you want to hit a benchmark in your savings? Make it realistic, but also make it concrete so you have a specific goal worth working toward. This defined goal will hopefully stay with you as you spend throughout the year.

5. Break a Bad Habit 

This is the year you break that bad habit! No bad habit is too big. You just need to figure out what is leading you to commit the act, like nail-biting or procrastinating, and start there. Is it boredom or stress? If you can stop it before it starts, you’re halfway there.

You may want to spend some time thinking about your habit, why it needs to stop and how you’ll approach it. Don’t plan to start making changes right away at the beginning of the year. It’s okay to spend some time reflecting and making a plan. Bad habits happen over time, so give yourself time to work out of it. 

Experts say it takes about 21 days minimum to break a bad habit. To do so, they advise a number of strategies, from rewarding your successes to disciplining yourself when you slip up. 

If all else fails, try to replace your bad habit with a good one.

What are your 2020 goals?

We'd love to hear from you! Drop us a line on Instagram, Facebook, or by emailing Then get out there and make 2020 your year!

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